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Slackware 10.2 (i486)

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Catalog#: 52080
Platform: i486
CD's: 2
Price: US $7.59

With Slackware you don't get the typical installation screen as with most distributions, instead you get a DOS like screen, but its quick and functions just fine. Slackware 10.2 includes support for fully encrypted network connections with OpenSSL, OpenSSH, and GnuPG. It also supports new development tools including Perl 5.8.7, Python 2.4.1, Subversion 1.2.3, and other utilities as well. And the updated version of the Slackware package management tools make it easier to add/remove/upgrade or make your own Slackware packages. Slackware also has the available 2.6.13 kernel. Slackware 10.2 is a perfect OS for many servers, or for the geeks who need total control of the system, and for those who would like to build a new distribution on top of it.

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