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ReactOS 0.3.13 Live CD (i386)

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Catalog#: 52913
Platform: x86
CD's: 1
Price: US $3.79
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Click Here for ReactOS 0.3.13 (i386)

React Operating System

ReactOS® is a free, modern operating system based on the design of Windows® XP/2003. Written completely from scratch, it aims to follow the Windows® architecture designed by Microsoft from the hardware level right through to the application level. This is not a Linux based system, and shares none of the unix architecture.

The main goal of the ReactOS project is to provide an operating system which is binary compatible with Windows. This will allow your Windows applications and drivers to run as they would on your Windows system. Additionally, the look and feel of the Windows operating system is used, such that people accustomed to the familiar user interface of Windows® would find using ReactOS straightforward. The ultimate goal of ReactOS is to allow you to remove Windows® and install ReactOS without the end user noticing the change.

Notes on ReactOS

Please bear in mind that ReactOS is still in alpha stage, meaning it is not feature-complete and is not recommended for everyday use.

ReactOS is an ambitious project, and bears watching. Note that the alpha software may not actually work on your specific machine. So do not order these discs unless you have multiple machines to work with, different monitors, and are willing to troubleshoot. In our testing, we have successfully installed the OS, but the live CD would boot to different stages depending on the machine.

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